When Should You Be Concerned About Hair Loss?

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Determining the degree of risk of hair loss depends on the causes behind it, here you must answer these questions:

  • Was the hair loss gradual, or sudden?

  • Is there weakness and thinning in the hair texture itself?

  • Does hair grow, regenerate, without treatment?

  • Does the problem need immediate intervention to stop the fall?

The Main Causes Of Hair Loss

If you identify the cause of losing hair, there is no reason to be concerned. It will prompt you to take action at the right time:

Hair Loss Genetics

Both women and men suffer from this type of hair loss, but men are more susceptible to this type of hair loss, as it is the most common cause of hair loss in men in the world, it is called androgenetic alopecia.

Having this type of loss means that the person has inherited the genes that cause the hair follicles to shrink until it stops its growth completely, the hair follicles may begin to shrink since adolescence, but its effect is often more evident in the advanced stages of life.

This type of hair loss can be distinguished in women by signs, so hair thinning, weakness and hair loss from the midline, are the first indicators of hereditary hair loss, while in men, hair loss from the front is the first of these indicators.

It is possible to treat hereditary hair loss and reduce the severity of the hair loss or stop it permanently, So the sooner treatment is resorted to, the better the desired results.

Getting Old

With age, hair begins to fall out, new hair growth slows down, hair becomes thinner as a result, and hair begins to lose its color.

Hair loss caused by aging can be treated. Early detection of the problem and starting hair care reduces hair loss and stimulates hair follicles to grow again.


It is a disease in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss from different areas of the body, including the scalp and face.

By resorting to early treatment and stimulating hair follicles, the problem can be treated and hair growth again in those spots.

Hair Loss Due To Chemotherapy

Exposure to chemotherapy or radiation causes the hair to begin to fall out, and it may lose all or most of it after several weeks of receiving treatment.

However, it grows back on its own months after the end of chemotherapy or radiation, but therapeutic intervention and hair care help accelerate hair growth again and make it revitalize and lively.

Stress and Depression

Stress and depression cause significant hair loss, many women go through postpartum depression and lose a lot of their hair,

Hair regains its strength and vitality once the causes of stress are gone with constant care, vitamins and nutritional supplements that the body needs.


Determining the direct cause of hair loss enables you to put your hand on the problem. Once you know the reasons, it is easy to start treatment, no matter how diverse these reasons are, taking care of hair from the inside and outside is the common factor in solving all the problems of hair loss. Today, buying the complete hair care package does not leave a problem. Hair loss is exacerbated.