How To Use Blue Berries To Protect Your Skin At Home

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Blueberries are known to contain excellent antioxidants. Nourishes the skin, treats acne, moisturizes and restores moisture to dry skin and removes clogged pores. Berries also fight free radicals that attack the skin.

How To Make A Blueberry Mask At Home

Prepare a blueberry mask that cleans clogged pores and gives your skin a basic daily dose of collagen at home:


  • 1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries.

  • Half a cup of plain yogurt.

  • A third of a cup of honey.

  • tablespoon lemon juice.

  • 1 tablespoon of barley flakes.


  • Mix the berries in a blender and mix the remaining ingredients in another bowl until you get a soft mass. Then add the mixed blueberries to it.

  • Cover your eyes using cotton pads and apply the mixture to the rest of your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then clean with water.

Benefits of a blueberry mask for the skin

  • Stimulates collagen production.

  • Increases skin elasticity.

  • Stimulates the skin renewal process.

  • It gives you shiny hair and strong nails that do not break.