Dermaceutic Night-time Skincare Set


⦿ تنظيف الوجه، والتخلص من الشوائب والترسبات
⦿ شد المسام وتقليل ظهورها
⦿ تخفيف آثار التصبغات والاحمرار
⦿ تساعد في مقاومة حب الشباب
⦿ الحفاظ على نضارة البشرة وإبقائها مشدودة
⦿ تقشير البشرة بلطف، وتوحيد لونها
⦿ موازنة درجة الحموضة في البشرة

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Dermaceutical skin cleansing, treatment and exfoliation at night

Anti Acne cream 40ml and micellar cleanser 400ml

Contents of the Dermaceutic Night Care Set

This set by Dermaceutic contains a facial cleanser and make-up remover, as well as a night care cream to remove acne and reduce the effects of pigmentation.

1 Dermaceutic Oxy-Biom 400 ml, Micellar Cleanser

The micellar cleanser is an effective and gentle cleanser that is suitable for all skin types. It removes difficult makeup, deposits and impurities that the skin is exposed to during the day and reduces redness and pigmentation; Therefore, it is important to purify the skin and prepare it for applying care products in the morning and evening, and among its many advantages is that it does not need to be rinsed after use.

2 bottles of Dermaceutic Acti-Biom 40ml Fast Acting Acne Removal Night Cream

Dermaceutic Acti Biom contains an effective formula that treats acne at night, and gently exfoliates the skin, removing the effects of pigmentation and redness. In addition to treating acne, this cream unifies the color of the skin and makes it appear fresh and free of impurities, and it is suitable for all skin types.

Note: We have selected this set for you to help you achieve the perfect night care routine for the skin, by cleansing it deeply with micellar, and preparing it to absorb the night care cream for maximum effectiveness.

سياسة الشحن والإسترجاع

Return and refund policy:

Reporting problems must be within 7 days of the order date.

Shipping costs shall be borne by the customer, maybe they vary according to the country it was shipped to.

The customer shall be borne the customs charges, consequences and responsibility for the customs law for the country which was shipped to.

Return Damaged/Faulty products requests will be sent to the manufacturer, and if they prove the manufacturing defect, the customer can choose between a full refund, including shipping costs, or obtaining an alternative product.

Return the shipment is due to an error in contact information or the customer has not responded, the return value is estimated by the condition of the product, with deduction of shipping and customs fees.

The refund from the company will be through the same method of payment by the customer.

The estimated amount paid by the company shall be refunded within 7 to 21 working days.

cancelling the order before processing and shipping can be done without incurring shipping costs.

refund due to damage to the products by the shipping company will be for the original price of the product, and in the same method of payment, Dermazone store has the right to compensate the customer with a purchase coupon with the same value as the damaged product.

cancelling part of the shipment after it has been prepared and shipped, will be deducted the shipping costs from the total value of the order with any other expenses related to shipping based on the status of the order.

Please don't hesitate to contact us for any problem through e-mail


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