How To Deal With Dry and Cracked Skin

كيفية التعامل مع الجلد الجاف والمتشقق | متجر ديرمازون الالكتروني - Dermazone Store


If you've been having issues with dry, rough, cracked skin all winter long, you may have tried different ways to alleviate these discomforts.

In the first place, providing enough moisture and lipids to the skin through drinking water and applying nourishing creams is crucial, in addition to consuming the skin's essential nutrients - the most important of which are the B vitamins.

The skin must adapt quickly to the harsh and volatile conditions of winter, such as exposure to warm indoor air in homes and cold, dry outdoors, which exposes the skin to great stress.

Therefore, we must take into account the skin area of ​​​​up to two square meters of surface area and weighing approximately 5 kilograms in adults, which requires a lot of moisture and nutrients to carry out its vital functions.

Nourishing The Body With Additional Elements

The body needs additional nutrients. Skin problems are also often associated with stress and missing daily meals, important nutrients with an antioxidant effect so that the body can detoxify. Therefore, it is not enough just to take care of the skin externally, but it must be nourished from the inside. There are two ways to do this:

Eat A Varied, Whole-Body Diet That Also Contains Many B Vitamins.

Plenty of fresh, preferably local vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables and legumes) and fruits, whole grains and their products (bread, pasta) Recommended amounts of meat, especially liver and cheese.

Consumption of group B vitamins as food supplement.

Consumption of vitamins of group B in the form of high-quality and proven products. Preferably these supplements contain vitamins from a natural source, they are easier for our body to identify and, as a result, easier to use.