Simple Steps for Personal Self Care At Home

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Nowadays, we spend long hours at work and forget to take care of ourselves, and if we steal some time to go to the salon, we will pay a lot of money. That's why we've come up with ideas for relaxing and nourishing every part of your body in the comfort of your own home.

Four Simple Ways To Take Care Of Yourself At Home

Treat Your Eyes

Prepare a cup of green tea and leave it to cool. Then, soak some cotton tissues in cold tea and place them on your eyes. The caffeine in green tea will reduce the appearance of blood vessels, and the antioxidants will help eliminate inflammation.

To eliminate dark circles around your eyes, you can use cooled cucumber slices to place on your eyes for 10-15 minutes.

Take Care Of Your Hair

It is very easy to prepare a very simple mask that will nourish the hair and make it shiny for a long time. The basic ingredients that you will find in any store are:

  • Egg yolk

  • Two tablespoons of olive oil

  • Quarter of an avocado

  • 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise (to make it easier to comb your hair)

  • Mix all the ingredients together and let it sit for one to two hours.

Then simply wash your hair and enjoy the effectiveness of these natural substances and their effect on your hair.

Prepare Your Natural Lip Scrub

If you use this natural scrub several times a week, your lips will become very soft.


  • Tablespoon white sugar.

  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder.

  • Tablespoon honey.

  • Mix the ingredients well in a bowl and apply it to the lips. After 10 minutes, rub the paste from your lips and enjoy the smoothness.

Take Care Of Your Skin

When you feel stressed, it affects the health of your skin. It must be taken care of. Time to restore the freshness of your skin, we advise you to prepare this mixture that you can use on your skin.


  • Banana (a source of vitamins A and E).

  • 1 tablespoon sour cream (which will tighten your skin).

  • 1 tablespoon of honey.

  • Half a tablespoon of flour.

  • tablespoon water.

  • Mix the ingredients, apply to the face and leave to act for 10 minutes, then rinse.